
June 30, 2008

During the past month I’ve managed to get the mission system off to a good start. It’s not done yet, but you are offered a mission which you can complete. The data for that mission is pulled from a Python script. There are still two major components which need to be worked on. The first is just hooking up more events to report to the mission scripts (right now there is only an event for when you buy something and one for when you put it in your cargo hold). After that I need to open up functions in the game which can be called from Python. Things like having a bunch of new ships warp in or having AI change tactics or something.

More recently I’ve been working on graphics. While reading the OpenGL Shader Language book I learned how to make shadows. Actually I learned how to do these without shaders, and then how to improve on them with shaders. So for now I’ve built a demo app which shows shadows (without shaders) which I’m very excited about. There is still a lot to learn and implement on that topic, so it will probably be a while before I get something into the game. I’ve also cleaned up the GL aspects of the engine a bit, trying to group similar functionalities into classes that make sense.

In any event, I’m off for vacation this week, so nothing new will be getting done for a while. Still no work on the character management stuff I mentioned earlier. Also the space station continues to look like a donut.

posted by james wells at 2:04 pm

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